Specialising in amber jewellery for children/adults

  • Genuine amber resin from the Baltic region
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  • Promoting safety education for children with jewellery
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What is Amber?

Amber is fossilized tree resin.

Several species of tree secrete resins when their bark is punctured or infected. These are to seal the damage and sterilise the area. (This differs from sap which is used as a nutrient).

Not all resins can form Amber, most are chemically unstable and will decay over time. However, if lumps of a stable resin are buried in sediment, they can fossilise and will eventually turn into Amber.

As it's a fossil this means Amber is between 30 and 90 million years old. Tree resin that is decades to centuries old, but has not yet properly fossilised into a true amber, is known as copal.

Amber has been appreciated for its colour and natural beauty since Neolithic times. It is used, amongst other things, as an ingredient in perfumes, a healing agent and as jewellery.

The benefits of Amber

Amber and it's extracts have been used medicinally from the time of ancient Greece for a wide variety of ailments from teething pain to arthritis. Amber’s anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are recognised by allopathic medicine as a natural pain reliever.

Amber contains succinic acid, a natural analgesic and healing agent. Succinic acid is a natural component of plant and animal tissues, and it's presence in the human body is beneficial in many ways.

When absorbed into the bloodstream, it improves immunity and stimulates the thyroid glands. It's healing properties help to alleviate teething pain and assist with the typical side effects such as restlessness, drooling and irritability.

Amber is what is termed as a solar stone, and almost always feels warm. It balances the emotions, clears the mind, and eases stress. Scientific findings have also shown that Amber is electromagnetically charged with organic energy, producing negative ions to have a positive effect on the body.

Baltic Amber

The Baltic region is home to the largest known deposit of Amber, called Baltic Amber or succinite. The name succinite is due to Baltic Amber's high content of succinic acid (about 8%).

The highest content of the acid is found in the amber cortex - the external layer of the stone. Baltic Amber is considered to be the most valuable type due to it's succinic acid content. It is a scientifically examined medical substance commonly used in contemporary homeopathic medicine.

It is made for wearing (not chewing or ingestion) as it is most effective to be absorbed through the warmth of the skin. This allows the healing oil to be released into the bloodstream, providing pain relief and calming effects.

It can be used medicinally for adults, children, and even pets. Amber collars for example are becoming a more popular way to repel ticks and fleas from dogs, cats, and other pets because they are completely natural and do not contain any chemicals.